Epic..! I took his Wa (Forntite Battle Royale for the ages.)


#clickbaiting lives meta
Ali a has all of the skins PLUS the rich and high standard and above standard gaming setup.
he is continuously posting vidz, which makes him a high tier youtuber on utube
He has my favorite skins, pickaxes,gliders,emotes, and every other type of comsmetic within the world of fortnite(quote from alia-within the WORLD OF FORTNITE
the fresh 1 canNOT keep up with constant clickbait ali
no one can actually keep up with the constant clickbait ali
except for EPICCC lachy!
the one problem with lacky is that he never took his wa
that is why the most epic gamer is Almost Tfue2300
that is me the author of this wonderful essay and novel for geniuses that are willing to waste a couple of their mu=inutes to read this completely pointless story,novel,essay, and i am extremely positvely sure that every one in the whole world will agree with my philosophy and theory for this stoy, which is better than the pythagorean theorum, which is the greatest theorum in the whole wide universe, oh wait i should have said world becuse people have heard that more than whole wide universe i should stop making run on sentences but that is my specialty and not beautiful regular sentences like an ACTUAL HUMAN BEING would do, because i want to stand out and be unique from every single author in the whole wide universe, oh wait i should have said world i thought i went over this but i guess you dont understand i am trying my best to make you understand but you just cant and i am kind of running out of my everlasting patience which goes to your mind like, isnt everlasting mean that it DOESNT END, well it does RIGHT NOw, and THE ENDDDDD!!!!


  1. Just utter talent....you are a pure genius in and out, and you should keep up the work. I think you have the potential to be the greatest author who ever lived.... and you are already exceeding everyone else. Keep soaring,

    Albert Einstein

  2. Great Job!
    But did you take his cone, floor, ramp, etc???
    lol jk

    - An Anonymous Veggie Fart


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