Life is not fair. No one's life is fair. But if you think about everything and everyone, your life will not be fair, but inside you will feel great. The worst thing ever to do is to make others feel bad. If you don't like them or want to say something bad, remember how the golden rule goes. Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you always follow that rule, life will actually be a little more fair. Let's just say you found a person that you didn't like, don't say something that you didn't want someone to say to you. If you were going to say something bad, just keep it to yourself. If anyone said something bad about you, don't say anything back. Ignore the person, and just go away. Another rule is to love others as yourself. You can always share your stuff with others. Don't say mean things. Don't be sarcastic. You also don't have to be afraid. If you don't know what to do, don't be shy. Ask someone what to do. Another thing you can do for your life is to make others feel good and special. If someone
on the playground is sad and lonely, you can go to them and say, "Do you want to play with us?" Most of the time they would say yes and feel a little bit happy. Rarely, they would not play. But if they say that, do not force them to play with you. That would make you a bossy person. Nicely say that maybe you could play with some other time.
I know you are just eight, when you wrote this, but such wise words coming from you, I am surprised. I wish and hope you remember what you wrote here all your life and follow the same. Be kind to others and be happy with what you have.