Football Touchdown / special edition
My name is Sam and today is my birthday! And guess what? Today is the super bowl and my team has to win. My team is the Patriots and the team we are going to be versing is the Broncos. We won
against the Sea hawks. My favorite team in football is the Patriots because they won the super bowl
last year. My mom drove me to football. The players in Broncos were very big and strong and they
were much taller than us. They looked like they would beat us 40 to 0! Nice team, loser! said one
player in Broncos. I'll beat- Then the kid punched me in the face! OOOOOOOOOOOOOF!!!!!!!
I said. Ha Ha Ha! He laughed. Hey kid, said the coach. You are out of the game! Are you okay?
asked Ryan. Yeah, I said weakly. The game has started! Yelled the coach. I had the ball. I passed it to Mike. He was at the touchdown area! He tried to make a touchdown. But he didn't catch it! Ohh! said the people.
Then the Broncos stole the ball! They ran really fast! Then when James tried to steal the ball, the player in the Broncos threw the ball to the open player an then he made a touchdown! Ryan had the ball. He passed it to Mike. But then the kid in the Broncos stole it again! We thought that our team had the ball! Then they made another touchdown! 11 to 0. After 3 hours later the final score was 56 43 they won! But we had to win 4 games so the series wasn't done yet. We said good game and then the game was over. And even though we lost the game, we still got ice cream because we tried our best and we were very confident. Then we celebrated. And take care of your face, said Mike. Then my leg was feeling better, me and my friends practiced football at my house and we had lots of fun.
The End.
Awesome Aditya