
Mohican school camping trip

It was Monday, 08/30. I went to school at my regular time with all my luggage. I put my luggage in the library and went to class. Then around 9:30 a.m, we all were asked to get our luggage and line up to get on to the bus to Mohican. We all were so excited. Ms. Rossman, Mrs. O'Rourke and Dr. Klufas helped us to load the bags on the bus. Finally, my turn came to get on to the bus, I sat next to Rafael and it took around 1 1/2 hr to reach to Mohican camp. The following are all the activities we did there. First day First, we did a Dutch auction, and we had to do a charades type of game and you had to be the best person to act at a certain topic. My team won. Next, we learned that if we are in the wild, we have to know how to build a shelter with sticks. so we had to build a shelter with sticks. My group was me, Max, Anthony, and Rafael. We first found a good tree to start off at. Next, we had to find a big stick to be the backbone of our shelter, and we laid that against th...

Epic..! I took his Wa (Forntite Battle Royale for the ages.)

fortnut #clickbaiting lives meta Ali a has all of the skins PLUS the rich and high standard and above standard gaming setup. he is continuously posting vidz, which makes him a high tier youtuber on utube He has my favorite skins, pickaxes,gliders,emotes, and every other type of comsmetic within the world of fortnite(quote from alia-within the WORLD OF FORTNITE the fresh 1 canNOT keep up with constant clickbait ali no one can actually keep up with the constant clickbait ali except for EPICCC lachy! the one problem with lacky is that he never took his wa that is why the most epic gamer is Almost Tfue2300 that is me the author of this wonderful essay and novel for geniuses that are willing to waste a couple of their mu=inutes to read this completely pointless story,novel,essay, and i am extremely positvely sure that every one in the whole world will agree with my philosophy and theory for this stoy, which is better than the pythagorean theorum, which is the grea...

Save the World! Volume #2 The Beginning of an End

The beginning of an end "How in the world did Wild Card get all of those villains?" Abstrakt asked. Black Knight replied,"That's not our main priority right now. We have to go find the rest of our team and find some part-time recruits." "What do you mean by that?" Galaxy asked. "That means we are going to find some other people to help our team." Brite Gunner replied,"Then let's get to it!" The save the world team ran to find the rest of their team. They first went to Lonely Lodge because that is where their headquarters is. The STWT run to their secret base in the bottom floor, but they see some random dude who killed Squad leader and Battlehawk! "Hey, get out of our house!" Black Knight yelled. "I aamm ssorry but I ccan nott ddo that." The weird person sprints towards Black Knight and the other three STWT members run out of the building. They come to the main lobby and run into some egyptian guy....

Save the world! Volume #1 The Intro

1 Before we start, let me introduce you to the groups of Fortnite skins. Save the World team Black Knight (Leader) Squad leader Brite Gunner Galaxy Abstrakt Battlehawk                                                          Villain Team Wild Card Special villain team Crackshot (leader) Skull trooper  Rabbit Raider                                Now you know all the characters in the story. Let's begin in Crackshot's secret base..... "Let's attack the stupid people," said Crackshot. Warpaint replied, "You mean the save the world team. You know, the awesome people who save the world." "WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Crackshot screamed. "WE ARE THE AWESOME PE...

My trip to Golden State, California

                                                                            1                                                                                                                         Game Day "Get the rebound!" shouted our coach. The players on my team were amazing, but just every game I played, I had a big nightmare. I was the worst player on my team. I couldn't make a shot. I couldn't dribble the ball. I couldn't do anything in the game of basketball. The only thing I liked to do ...

Happy 9th Birthday my little Firecracker

My Sweet Little Aditya, Eight is Enough.... Anytime you want to stop growing and remain just as sweet, innocent, witty, goofy and full of joy as you are right now, I’m okay with it. I’ve now known you for 3,287 days and I love you more each morning and each evening as I put you to sleep. You are the baby of our house and you will always be.You have a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step. You have a carefree and adventurous spirit. You are mommy's little helper and mommy's little support system at home. You love to play sports, and dad and I love to watch you play and discuss about the play with your brother. You have a wonderful mind for figuring things out. You love fixing things, building with LEGO, or solving the puzzles. You are confident, strong, goofy, witty and stubborn... and I wouldn't change a thing about you. When I see your relationship with your brother, I wish and hope and pray that it stays for ever and you both be the best friends all throu...

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy birthday mom, here's a story I wrote for you. Hope you like it.