
Showing posts from 2014

Deadly animals

Prologue This story is all about animals fighting and hunting for prey. In this book you will learn about lots of predators. You will learn about tough animals and fast animals. Like Peregrine Falcons,Cheetahs,Ospreys,bees,badgers,and the lion. When you read this book,you could actually be smarter than a scientist! Chapter 1 Cheetah This chapter is all about cheetahs. Cheetahs can run up to 70 mph! And they can only run for 45 seconds! But cheetahs mostly don't catch anything, because cheetahs don't hunt in packs. And their favorite prey is Thompson's gazelle and grant's gazelle. Chapter 2 Bee Now the chapter is all about bees. If you bother a bee,it will sting you on your face. A bee is the second toughest animal in Africa! And for a bee,one human looks just like another human. Sometimes when bees sting,they can a actually kill a human! Chapter 3 Osprey This chapter is about Ospreys. Ospreys can see from the glare of the sun to catch fi...